Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Coffee for Two

A Muslim dies and ascends into paradise. He finds himself before St. Peter, who greets and welcomes him. The Muslim says, "Thank you, but I really want to meet Muhammed. Where is he?". St. Peter replies "Oh, he is upstairs. Just climb the ladder behind you." The Muslim climbs the ladder and finds himself standing before Jesus. "It's truly an honor, sir, but I was hoping to meet Muhammed" the Muslim says. "No problem," Jesus replies, "Just climb the ladder behind you." So, the Muslim climbs the next ladder and finds himself in a room with a brilliant light coming toward him. From the light steps a dignified older looking man. "Hello, I am God. Welcome to paradise!" The Muslim bows low and finally says "Thanks and praise be, but I was hoping to meet Muhammed." God replies "That's not a problem at all. Sit down and make yourself comfortable. Would you like something to drink?" The Muslim sits and replies that he would like something to drink. God looks over his shoulder and calls out "Hey, Muhammed, two coffees and make it quick!"

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