Wednesday, December 6, 2006

Baptist Puppies

A Baptist minister is walking down the street when he passes a young boy looking into a box. Curious, the minister approaches the boy and asks "What do you have in that box?" The boy responds, "My dog just had puppies, but I don't know what kind of puppies they are. Could you tell me?" The minister looks at the tiny newborn puppies in the box, and after a few minutes, tells the boy, "Why, those are Baptist puppies!"

About a month later, the same minister is walking down the same street, and he sees the boy in his front yard playing with the puppies. The minister greets the boy, "Hello! How are the little Baptist puppies doing?" The boy replies, "Oh, the puppies are fine, but they're not Baptist puppies any more! They're atheist puppies!" Shocked, the minister responds, "ATHEIST puppies? What happened? Last time I was here, they were BAPTIST puppies!" The boy explains, "Well, yes, but they've had their eyes opened since then!"

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