Wednesday, December 6, 2006


A missionary was sent to the deepest, darkest part of Africa, and moved in with a primitive native tribe. He spent several years with the people, during which, he taught them English. He also taught them how to read and write. And of course, he taught them the Christian ways of the white man. One thing he particularly stressed was the evil of sexual adultery, no fornication!

One day, the wife of one of the tribe's noblemen gave birth to a child. The child was white! This caused quite a stir in the village. The chief sent for the missionary, and said, "You have taught us the evils of sexual sin, but here is a black woman who gives birth to a white child. You are the only white man who has been in this village in many years. What is the explanation?"

The missionary replies, "No, no, my good man, you are mistaken. This is a natural occurrence, what in English we call an albino. Nature does this on some occasions. For example, look there at that flock of sheep. They are all white, except among them -- look there is one black sheep."

The chief thinks it over for a while and then replies, "O.K. Tell you what. You don't say anything about the black sheep, and I won't say anything about the white child."

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