Saturday, December 2, 2006

Goddamned Fish

One day a nun was fishing and caught a huge fish for supper. A man was walking by and said "Wow what a goddamn fish!"

The sister said "Sir, you shouldn't talk to me like that: I'm a nun."

To which the man said "But that's the name of it: a "Goddamn fish."

So the sister took the fish back to the rectory and said "Mother superior, look at the Goddamn fish I caught."

The mother superior said "Sister, you shouldn't talk like that!" and the sister said "But mother superior, that's the name of it: a "Goddamn fish."

So the mother superior said "Well give me the Goddamn fish and I'll clean it." While she was cleaning the fish the monsignor walked in and she said "Monsignor look at the Goddamn fish that the sister caught."

The monsignor said "Mother superior you shouldn't talk like that!" and the mother superior said "But that's the name of it: a "Goddamn fish."

So the monsignor said "Well give me the Goddamn fish and I'll cook it."

That evening at supper there was a new priest at the table, and he said "Wow what a nice fish". And the sister said "I caught the Goddamn fish." And mother superior said "I cleaned the Goddamn fish." And the monsignor said "I cooked the Goddamn fish."

And the new priest said: "I like this fucking place already!"

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